Help educate children in developing countries

School Projects and Individual Sponsorships


Donations are split into two categories. "Restricted funds" which are only used to fund education and "Unrestricted funds" which cover management, administration, support and fundraising costs. Unless stated by the donor, all donations will be treated as "Restricted Funds". This means that 100% of your donations are used to benefit the students.

School Projects

The Application Process

The schools wishing to receive grants apply by submitting a Grant Application Form. Independent validation is sought by the charity through a Lessons for Life appointed representative.

The Selection Process

The Trustees will make a decision based on the application form and the representative's report and opinion. Projects will only be approved if they meet our objects and guiding principles. Other factors taken into account include the impact, cost, the likelihood of success and financial position of the school.

The Payment Process

Lessons for Life will make regular payments to the school and require financial management and reporting requirements to be met to ensure that the money is used for the purpose given. Schools are required to provide budget, income and expenditure reports for the trustees on regular basis. 

Monitoring the Performance and Regular Reviews

The Trustees ensure that a representative visits each school on a regular basis to confirm that everything is in order.  Continued funding is based on the result of these inspections. 

Individual Sponsorships

The Application Process

Students are put forward for sponsorship based on the recommendation of a representative (or person known by the Trustees to be of good standing). It is a requirement for selection that without funding from Lessons for Life, the student would not otherwise have this opportunity. 

The Selection Process

Selection is based on factors such as Motivation, Impact, Potential, and Vulnerability. 

Information about each student is made available to donors who are free to choose if and who they would like to sponsor.

Care for the student

Each student is assigned an authorised representative who plays a key role in ensuring their wellbeing is considered and in managing the donations.  Some funding goes directly to the school (e.g. school fees, food and lodging) some is used to purchase essential items that are then given to the student (e.g. pencils, work books, mosquito net).  In some circumstances a small amount of cash may be given directly to the student (e.g. to cover transport home during holidays).

Monitoring the Performance and Regular Reviews

Both the representative and the student will be required to provide feedback. Lessons for Life encourages the student to develop a relationship with the donor and where possible provide direct feedback and dialogue. It is hoped that this will provide the donor with a better understanding of the student's circumstances and difficulties faced in the developing world.